sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2016
lunes, 2 de mayo de 2016
Pág. Principal Introducción Univ. de Concepción Depto. de Idiomas Extranjeros
arise arose arisen Elevarse, surgir, originarse.
awake awoke awoken Despertar, mover, excitar.
bear bore born Soportar, sostener, tolerar.
beat beat beaten Batir,revolver, golpear, vencer.
become became become Hacerse,tornarse,convertirse en.
begin began begun Empezar, iniciar.
bend bent bent Doblar, inclinar, torcer.
bet bet bet Apostar
bind bound bound Atar, unir, enlazar.
bite bit bitten Morder.
blow blew blown Soplar
break broke broken Quebrar, partir, romper.
bring brought brought Traer, llevar, conducir.
build built built Construir, edificar.
burn burnt burnt Quemar, incendiar.
burst burst burst Romper, reventar.
buy bought bought Comprar
catch caught caught Coger, asir, atrapar.
choose chose chosen Escoger, elegir.
cling clung clung Asirse, adherirse, pegarse.
come came come Venir
cost cost cost Costar
creep crept crept Arrastrarse,deslizarse, pegarse.
cut cut cut Cortar, dividir.
deal dealt dealt Tratar, tener que referirse.
dig dug dug Cavar, ahondar.
do did done Hacer, ejecutar.
draw drew drawn Tirar, arrastrarse, atraer, dibujar.
drink drank drunk Beber
drive drove driven Impulsar, conducir, llevar, inducir.
fall fell fallen Caer, disminuir.
feed fed fed Alimentar, nutrir.
feel felt felt Sentir, percibir, tocar.
fight fought fought Pelear, combatir.
find found found Encontrar, descubrir.
find out found out found out Averiguar, investigar.
flee fled fled Escapar, huír, evitar.
fly flew flown Volar
forbid forbade forbidden Prohibir.
foresee foresaw foreseen Prever, prevenir
forget forgot forgotten Olvidar (se)
forgive forgave forgiven Perdonar
freeze froze frozen Congelar
get got got (ten) Lograr, obtener, conseguir.
give gave given Dar, conceder.
go went gone Ir (se), funcionar, resultar.
grind ground ground Moler, triturar.
grow grew grown Crecer, cultivar.
hang hung hung Colgar, Suspender.
have had had Tener, haber.
hear heard heard Oír, escuchar.
hide hid hid (den) Ocultar, encubrir.
hit hit hit Pegar, golpear, acertar.
hold held held Sostener,mantener,contener.
hurt hurt hurt Herir, dañar, lastimar.
keep kept kept Mantener,guardar,conservar.
know knew known Conocer, saber.
lay laid laid Poner, colocar.
lead led led Guiar, llevar, conducir.
lean leant leant Inclinar(se), apoyarse.
learn learnt learnt Aprender, saber.
leave left left Partir, irse, abandonar.
lend lent lent Prestar
let let let Permitir, conceder.
lie lay lain Tenderse, descansar, estar, situado.
light lit lit Alumbrar, iluminar, encender (se).
lose lost lost Perder, malgastar.
make made made Hacer, confeccionar, producir.
mean meant meant Significar,querer decir pretender.
meet met met Encontrarse, satisfacer.
melt melted molten (old) Derretir(se), fundir(se).
mistake mistook mistaken Equivocarse, comprender mal, errar
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood Entender mal.
overcome overcame overcome Vencer, superar, sobreponerse.
pay paid paid Pagar, recompensar.
put put put Poner,colocar, exponer.
read read read Leer,descifrar, marcar.
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt Reconstruir
rid rid rid Librarse, zafarse.
ride rode ridden Rodar, tener juego, funcionar.
ring rang rung Tocar, sonar.
rise rose risen Ascender,elevarse,levantarse, surgir.
run ran run Correr, funcionar.
saw sawed sawn Cortar con sierra, aserrar.
say said said Decir, afirmar.
see saw seen Ver, observar.
seek sought sought Buscar, solicitar.
sell sold sold Vender
send sent sent Enviar
set set set Instalar, establecer, colocar, fijar.
shake shook shaken Sacudir, lanzar, agitar.
shed shed shed Derramar, esparcir, dejar caer.
shine shone shone Brillar, relumbrar, sobresalir.
shoot shot shot Disparar, emitir, lanzar.
show showed shown Mostrar, excibir, probar, demostar.
shrink shrank shrunk Encogerse, disminuir, desaparecer.
shut shut shut Cerrar, impedir, excluír.
sing sang sung Cantar
sink sank sunk Hundir, sumergir
sit sat sat Sentarse, reunirse.
sleep slept slept Dormir
slide slid slid(den) Resbalar, deslizarse, escabullirse.
smell smelt smelt Oler, percibir.
speak spoke spoken Hablar, decir.
speed sped sped Acelerar, apresurarse.
spend spent spent Gastar, consumir, emplear (tiempo).
spill spilt spilt Derramar, verter, divulgar.
spin spun spun Tornear, hilar, hacer girar.
split split split Partir, dividir, separar, reventar.
spoil spoilt spoilt Deteriorar, dañar, inutilizar.
spread spread spread Extender, esparcir, propagar.
spring sprang sprung Saltar, soltar, brotar, surgir.
stand stood stood Pararse, tolerar, estar (de pié).
steal stole stolen Robar, escabullirse.
stick stuck stuck Pegar, adherirse, prender, fijar.
stink stank stunk Oler mal, apestar.
strike struck struck Golpear, pegar, estallar.
swell swelled swollen Hinchar, inflamar, engrosar.
swim swam swum Nadar, flotar.
swing swung swung Balancera(se), hacer girar.
take took taken Tomar, llevar.
teach taught taught Enseñar
tear tore torn Romper, despedazar, rasgar.
tell told told Decir, contar, narrar.
think thought thought Pensar, creer.
throw threw thrown Lanzar, tirar, impeler, arrojar.
thrust thrust thrust Introducir con violencia, empujar, impeler
undergo underwent undergone Sufrir, experimentar, pasar por.
understand understood understood Comprender.
undertake undertook undertaken Emprender, comenzar algo.
undo undid undone Desarmar, deshacer.
wake woke woke (n) Despertar, excitar.
wear Wore worn Gastar(se), consumirse, usar.
win Won won Ganar, conquistar.
wind Wound wound Enroscar(se), serpentear, girar.
withdraw Withdrew withdrawn Retirar, retractarse, quitar.
withstand Withstood withstood Resistir, oponerse, soportar.
write Wrote written Escribir.
Tabla de Contenidos
arise arose arisen Elevarse, surgir, originarse.
awake awoke awoken Despertar, mover, excitar.
bear bore born Soportar, sostener, tolerar.
beat beat beaten Batir,revolver, golpear, vencer.
become became become Hacerse,tornarse,convertirse en.
begin began begun Empezar, iniciar.
bend bent bent Doblar, inclinar, torcer.
bet bet bet Apostar
bind bound bound Atar, unir, enlazar.
bite bit bitten Morder.
blow blew blown Soplar
break broke broken Quebrar, partir, romper.
bring brought brought Traer, llevar, conducir.
build built built Construir, edificar.
burn burnt burnt Quemar, incendiar.
burst burst burst Romper, reventar.
buy bought bought Comprar
catch caught caught Coger, asir, atrapar.
choose chose chosen Escoger, elegir.
cling clung clung Asirse, adherirse, pegarse.
come came come Venir
cost cost cost Costar
creep crept crept Arrastrarse,deslizarse, pegarse.
cut cut cut Cortar, dividir.
deal dealt dealt Tratar, tener que referirse.
dig dug dug Cavar, ahondar.
do did done Hacer, ejecutar.
draw drew drawn Tirar, arrastrarse, atraer, dibujar.
drink drank drunk Beber
drive drove driven Impulsar, conducir, llevar, inducir.
fall fell fallen Caer, disminuir.
feed fed fed Alimentar, nutrir.
feel felt felt Sentir, percibir, tocar.
fight fought fought Pelear, combatir.
find found found Encontrar, descubrir.
find out found out found out Averiguar, investigar.
flee fled fled Escapar, huír, evitar.
fly flew flown Volar
forbid forbade forbidden Prohibir.
foresee foresaw foreseen Prever, prevenir
forget forgot forgotten Olvidar (se)
forgive forgave forgiven Perdonar
freeze froze frozen Congelar
get got got (ten) Lograr, obtener, conseguir.
give gave given Dar, conceder.
go went gone Ir (se), funcionar, resultar.
grind ground ground Moler, triturar.
grow grew grown Crecer, cultivar.
hang hung hung Colgar, Suspender.
have had had Tener, haber.
hear heard heard Oír, escuchar.
hide hid hid (den) Ocultar, encubrir.
hit hit hit Pegar, golpear, acertar.
hold held held Sostener,mantener,contener.
hurt hurt hurt Herir, dañar, lastimar.
keep kept kept Mantener,guardar,conservar.
know knew known Conocer, saber.
lay laid laid Poner, colocar.
lead led led Guiar, llevar, conducir.
lean leant leant Inclinar(se), apoyarse.
learn learnt learnt Aprender, saber.
leave left left Partir, irse, abandonar.
lend lent lent Prestar
let let let Permitir, conceder.
lie lay lain Tenderse, descansar, estar, situado.
light lit lit Alumbrar, iluminar, encender (se).
lose lost lost Perder, malgastar.
make made made Hacer, confeccionar, producir.
mean meant meant Significar,querer decir pretender.
meet met met Encontrarse, satisfacer.
melt melted molten (old) Derretir(se), fundir(se).
mistake mistook mistaken Equivocarse, comprender mal, errar
misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood Entender mal.
overcome overcame overcome Vencer, superar, sobreponerse.
pay paid paid Pagar, recompensar.
put put put Poner,colocar, exponer.
read read read Leer,descifrar, marcar.
rebuild rebuilt rebuilt Reconstruir
rid rid rid Librarse, zafarse.
ride rode ridden Rodar, tener juego, funcionar.
ring rang rung Tocar, sonar.
rise rose risen Ascender,elevarse,levantarse, surgir.
run ran run Correr, funcionar.
saw sawed sawn Cortar con sierra, aserrar.
say said said Decir, afirmar.
see saw seen Ver, observar.
seek sought sought Buscar, solicitar.
sell sold sold Vender
send sent sent Enviar
set set set Instalar, establecer, colocar, fijar.
shake shook shaken Sacudir, lanzar, agitar.
shed shed shed Derramar, esparcir, dejar caer.
shine shone shone Brillar, relumbrar, sobresalir.
shoot shot shot Disparar, emitir, lanzar.
show showed shown Mostrar, excibir, probar, demostar.
shrink shrank shrunk Encogerse, disminuir, desaparecer.
shut shut shut Cerrar, impedir, excluír.
sing sang sung Cantar
sink sank sunk Hundir, sumergir
sit sat sat Sentarse, reunirse.
sleep slept slept Dormir
slide slid slid(den) Resbalar, deslizarse, escabullirse.
smell smelt smelt Oler, percibir.
speak spoke spoken Hablar, decir.
speed sped sped Acelerar, apresurarse.
spend spent spent Gastar, consumir, emplear (tiempo).
spill spilt spilt Derramar, verter, divulgar.
spin spun spun Tornear, hilar, hacer girar.
split split split Partir, dividir, separar, reventar.
spoil spoilt spoilt Deteriorar, dañar, inutilizar.
spread spread spread Extender, esparcir, propagar.
spring sprang sprung Saltar, soltar, brotar, surgir.
stand stood stood Pararse, tolerar, estar (de pié).
steal stole stolen Robar, escabullirse.
stick stuck stuck Pegar, adherirse, prender, fijar.
stink stank stunk Oler mal, apestar.
strike struck struck Golpear, pegar, estallar.
swell swelled swollen Hinchar, inflamar, engrosar.
swim swam swum Nadar, flotar.
swing swung swung Balancera(se), hacer girar.
take took taken Tomar, llevar.
teach taught taught Enseñar
tear tore torn Romper, despedazar, rasgar.
tell told told Decir, contar, narrar.
think thought thought Pensar, creer.
throw threw thrown Lanzar, tirar, impeler, arrojar.
thrust thrust thrust Introducir con violencia, empujar, impeler
undergo underwent undergone Sufrir, experimentar, pasar por.
understand understood understood Comprender.
undertake undertook undertaken Emprender, comenzar algo.
undo undid undone Desarmar, deshacer.
wake woke woke (n) Despertar, excitar.
wear Wore worn Gastar(se), consumirse, usar.
win Won won Ganar, conquistar.
wind Wound wound Enroscar(se), serpentear, girar.
withdraw Withdrew withdrawn Retirar, retractarse, quitar.
withstand Withstood withstood Resistir, oponerse, soportar.
write Wrote written Escribir.
Tabla de Contenidos
Let's Learn English Lesson 12: Meet My Family (3:09)
Direct link
Anna: Hello! Washington, D.C. has many beautiful parks. In fact, this park reminds me of my home very far away.
Marsha: Anna, here's your coffee.
Anna: Thanks, Marsha.
Marsha: What's wrong?
Anna: I'm thinking about my family. I'm feeling homesick.
Marsha: Do you want to talk about it?
Anna: Sure! I have some photos.
Marsha: Yes. Yes, you do!
Anna: Photos really help.
Anna: This is my mother and this is my father. They are rodeo clowns.
Marsha: What do rodeo clowns do?
Anna: They make jokes at a rodeo. They make people laugh.
Marsha: That-That';s very different.
Marsha: Who is that woman in the picture?
Anna: That is my Aunt Lavender. She is my mom's sister. She loves gardening and makes spoons.
Marsha: She makes spoons?
Anna: Of course.
Marsha: That, too, is very different.
Anna: Oh! This is my Uncle John. He is my father's brother.
Marsha: What does Uncle John do?
Anna: He's a chicken farmer. And makes guitars. He's awesome, and I'm his favorite niece.
Marsha: Who are they?
Anna: They are my cousins. They are my Uncle John's daughter and son.
Marsha: What do they do?
Anna: They raise sheep and make sweaters.
Marsha: Yeah, that's not a surprise.
Marsha: Thanks for showing me your family photos. Your family is very different.
Anna: I do feel better. Thanks for listening. I have many more photos!
Marsha: Yeah. Yeah, you do.
Anna: Washington, DC is my new home. But I like remembering my old home, too.
Anna's Family Tree
This is a family tree. Anna tells Marsha about her parents.
Her mother and father are rodeo clowns.
Her father's parents are from Italy. These grandparents speak Italian.
Anna's mother's parents live in California. These grandparents have a farm and raise horses.
Anna's mother's sister is Aunt Lavender. She loves gardening.
Anna's father has a brother. His name is John. Uncle John makes guitars.
Uncle John has a daughter and a son. They are Anna's cousins. They raise sheep.
Anna's brother has two children. They are Anna's niece and nephew.
Are you from a big family or a small family? Write to us to tell us about two people in your family. What do they do? What do they make? Send us an email or write about them in the Comments section. Click on the image below to download the Activity Sheet and practice with a friend.
Direct link
Anna: Hello! Washington, D.C. has many beautiful parks. In fact, this park reminds me of my home very far away.
Marsha: Anna, here's your coffee.
Anna: Thanks, Marsha.
Marsha: What's wrong?
Anna: I'm thinking about my family. I'm feeling homesick.
Marsha: Do you want to talk about it?
Anna: Sure! I have some photos.
Marsha: Yes. Yes, you do!
Anna: Photos really help.
Anna: This is my mother and this is my father. They are rodeo clowns.
Marsha: What do rodeo clowns do?
Anna: They make jokes at a rodeo. They make people laugh.
Marsha: That-That';s very different.
Marsha: Who is that woman in the picture?
Anna: That is my Aunt Lavender. She is my mom's sister. She loves gardening and makes spoons.
Marsha: She makes spoons?
Anna: Of course.
Marsha: That, too, is very different.
Anna: Oh! This is my Uncle John. He is my father's brother.
Marsha: What does Uncle John do?
Anna: He's a chicken farmer. And makes guitars. He's awesome, and I'm his favorite niece.
Marsha: Who are they?
Anna: They are my cousins. They are my Uncle John's daughter and son.
Marsha: What do they do?
Anna: They raise sheep and make sweaters.
Marsha: Yeah, that's not a surprise.
Marsha: Thanks for showing me your family photos. Your family is very different.
Anna: I do feel better. Thanks for listening. I have many more photos!
Marsha: Yeah. Yeah, you do.
Anna: Washington, DC is my new home. But I like remembering my old home, too.
Anna's Family Tree
This is a family tree. Anna tells Marsha about her parents.
Her mother and father are rodeo clowns.
Her father's parents are from Italy. These grandparents speak Italian.
Anna's mother's parents live in California. These grandparents have a farm and raise horses.
Anna's mother's sister is Aunt Lavender. She loves gardening.
Anna's father has a brother. His name is John. Uncle John makes guitars.
Uncle John has a daughter and a son. They are Anna's cousins. They raise sheep.
Anna's brother has two children. They are Anna's niece and nephew.
Are you from a big family or a small family? Write to us to tell us about two people in your family. What do they do? What do they make? Send us an email or write about them in the Comments section. Click on the image below to download the Activity Sheet and practice with a friend.
jueves, 21 de abril de 2016
Lección 2 Índice < Anterior 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Siguiente >
Pronombres personales sujetos
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Pronombres personales sujetos
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
Escuchar Lección
Vamos a empezar por conocer los equivalentes en inglés de los pronombres personales en castellano:
Yo I
Tu You
El He
Ella She
El/ella (objeto) It
Nosotros We
Vosotros You
Ellos/ellas They
Su colocación en la frase suele ser al comienzo de la misma:
I have a dog. Yo tengo un perro
You are my brother. Tu eres mi hermano
El pronombre personal tiene que concordar con el verbo, no obstante, los verbos ingleses, salvo los auxiliares, no varían, excepto en la tercera persona del singular:
I eat apples. Yo como manzanas
You eat apples. Tu comes manzanas
He eats apples. Él come manzanas
El pronombre "it" (3ª persona singular) se utiliza para objetos y animales, aunque a veces con estos últimos se utiliza "he" (él) o "she" (ella):
I have a car. It is red. Yo tengo un coche. Es rojo
Escuchar Vocabulario
Padre Father Suegro Father-in-law
Madre Mother Suegra Mother-in-law
Hermano Brother Yerno Son-in-law
Hermana Sister Nuera Daughter-in-law
Hijo Son Cuñado Brother-in-law
Hija Daughter Cuñada Sister-in-law
Abuelo Grandfather Primo Cousin
Abuela Grandmother Sobrino Nephew
Nieto Grandson Sobrina Niece
Nieta Granddaughter Tío Uncle
Tía Aunt
< Anterior 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Siguiente >
Verbo "To be" - Ejercicios
1) I intelligent. Yo soy inteligente
2) You young. Tú eres joven
3) They teachers. Ellos son profesores
4) We dancers. Nosotros somos bailarines
5) He drinking wine. Él está bebiendo vino
6) He coming. Él está viniendo
7) It cold. Hace frío
8) He there. Él está allí
9) They at home. Ellos estaban en casa
10) We singing. Nosotros estábamos cantando
11) I your father. Yo soy tu padre
12) She young. Ella fue joven
13) We students. Nosotros fuimos estudiantes
14) I rich. Yo era rico
15) He my best friend. Él es mi mejor amigo
16) She my girlfriend. Ella era mi novia
17) It yours. Esto es tuyo
18) I running. Yo estoy corriendo
19) They with him. Ellos estaban con él
20) We recording the interview. Nosotros estamos grabando la entrevista
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Verbo "To be" - Ejercicios
1) I intelligent. Yo soy inteligente
2) You young. Tú eres joven
3) They teachers. Ellos son profesores
4) We dancers. Nosotros somos bailarines
5) He drinking wine. Él está bebiendo vino
6) He coming. Él está viniendo
7) It cold. Hace frío
8) He there. Él está allí
9) They at home. Ellos estaban en casa
10) We singing. Nosotros estábamos cantando
11) I your father. Yo soy tu padre
12) She young. Ella fue joven
13) We students. Nosotros fuimos estudiantes
14) I rich. Yo era rico
15) He my best friend. Él es mi mejor amigo
16) She my girlfriend. Ella era mi novia
17) It yours. Esto es tuyo
18) I running. Yo estoy corriendo
19) They with him. Ellos estaban con él
20) We recording the interview. Nosotros estamos grabando la entrevista
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